Look into the eye and feel your worries wash away. Right now, the beat of life doesn’t matter. All the negative emotions swirl around in the storm that we face every day. Threatening to consume us, to drown us. Sometimes we are so busy with the storm we forget to look and see, to see the things that really matter. So, open your eyes, look into the eye and see what you might find.
Project description
The foundation of this project is the iris dome. It is a type of retractable roof that opens and closes like the iris of an eye. We decided to employ this principle, and by investing a considerable amount of brainstorming, time, and effort, we have designed and created the artwork “Eye of the Storm”. We added motors to enable the movement of the eye, as well as numerous LED strips on virtually all moving parts. By programming an attractive light show, we achieved the result that was displayed at Glow 2023 in Eindhoven.

Project result
In this project, a considerable number of students were involved. With the assistance of teachers, the Fontys facilities and Labteam, and the engineering knowledge we gained during our studies, an award-winning result was achieved. This year, the Glow student team from Minor BeCreative won the jury prize at Glow 2023 !!

The project team consists of more than ten students, with different technical and design backgrounds. There are students from Fontys and other Universities of Applied Science, both from the Netherlands and abroad. As a team, we would like to express a very big “Thank You” to Fontys Engineering and Glow Eindhoven for their unimagninable support during the project and the festival.