This page gives an idea of what the “Floral Flow” team has done on behalf of GLOW Eindhoven during the minor “BeCreative”. The Minor started with an introduction about the requirements for a new installation for GLOW Eindhoven:
- The installation must be a light work of art that fits in the theme of “living colors”.
- The installation must be interactive for the visitors of the event.
- The installation must fit in with other GLOW artworks.
Project description
Based on these requirements, brainstorming was conducted about possible installations with an interactive action in it. After generating around eighty ideas, the idea of “Floral Flow” was chosen. This installation contains wooden flower boxes with self-designed flowers in them. Visitors who want to see these flowers bloom have to pump water from the canal “the Dommel” to the flowers with several hand pumps (which are attached to the Stratumseind bridge). This water will go via the pump to a reservoir where the water is stored.
To ensure that this installation becomes a worthy GLOW installation, various light effects will be added. At the start of the show, the flowers, flower boxes and tubes will flicker so that it seems that the installation does not get enough water to open the flowers. When visitors start pumping, the tubes will be light up in the direction of the running water. The flower boxes will light up and different light effects will be added to the flower as well when it opens.
All 3D drawings and required calculations were done during the minor. At the end of the minor the team will experience a GO / NO GO moment from GLOW. If the team receives a GO from the GLOW organization, further work will be carried out on the installation during the summer holidays and in semester seven of the new school year. During the summer holidays, the latest information regarding possible sponsorship will be exchanged. In semester seven of the new school year, work will be carried out (during four weeks) on assembling the new installation for GLOW. In these four weeks testing the installation is also really important.

Project results
All project goals were achieved during the Fontys BeCreative Minor. After the summer holidays, we scaled-up our prototype and created 4 additional copies during Semester 7. The artwork “Floral Flow” was shown at GLOW 2019 in Eindhoven (see photo below). According to the visitors, Floral Flow was one of the most attractive installations at the festival!
We will remember this project as the most challenging project during our studies at Fontys University of Applied Science. It has proven to be an excellent preparation for our final year.

Link to the official GLOW Eindhoven website:
Link to the project website: